Teaching is a highly transferable skill. If you train to become a qualified teacher, you’ll be able to work pretty much anywhere in the world. Whether it’s teaching English or a specialised subject, you can work and explore at the same time. International schools are growing in number all over the world and many are looking favourably upon teachers who have trained and a UK qualification.
Nurses that have obtained their qualification can possibly double their income after a few years of experience as an advanced practice nurse. There are so many nursing specialties that nurses can focus on what they love to do. For example, if a nurse discovers that taking care of adults is not personally fulfilling, then they can switch jobs and become a paediatric nurse. According to a recent news report in it is said that UK have a shortage of over 40,000 vacant nurse posts in England. Therefore considerations are being made to relax immigration for nurses wanting to work in UK.
Even with the economic crisis that has impacted on many industries in recent years, hospitality and tourism are amongst the fastest growing areas of employment in the world. Some sources estimate that the number of people employed in the industry globally stands at over 100 million, and this doesn't look set to decrease any time soon. In addition, the rewards for talented and focused individuals are high.
Despite the huge growth in the Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism industry, recent reports from some regions have highlighted the lack of skilled staff to fill the vacancies. Perhaps the sector is growing so fast that it's creating jobs it can't suitably fill, but either way, having a degree in the subject can only be a good thing. If employers are struggling to find individuals with the necessary skills and education to work in the sector, then what better way to impress them than with a relevant undergraduate qualification?
The beauty of Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism is that no matter where you are in the world, the industry has a place. Whether you choose to work in hotels, events, attractions, or anywhere else in the sector, there are always jobs available to Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism graduates.
Many courses in Hospitality, Leisure, Recreation & Tourism, particularly those with a specific focus on management, will encapsulate the learning of business skills. This knowledge can be used in careers far beyond those related to the degree, especially given the degree's focus on service. Service is increasingly important in global markets, so graduates from a highly service-oriented degree are all set to have an immediate advantage over the competition.